泰國高質量薏米 (400克)裝

Kaset farm 健康農莊

重量: 0.4kg

產品來源地: 泰國

HKD 30


Kaset farm 健康農莊 相關貨品


泰國高質量薏米 (400克)裝

健康農莊 早於1970年代已開始在經營泰國農產品出口和生產業務。經營團隊累積經營三十多年的經驗,並於2011年在香港成立銷售辦事處「健康農莊」,將最好和有營養價值的泰國頂級米推廣給香港市民。

健康農莊頂級茉莉香米: 一隻夢寐以求的米,值得追求高品質的你和家人品嚐。


Kaset Farm based in Thailand, has produced and exported Thai agricultural products since early 1970s. Customers are all over the world, especially Asia and the North America are major markets to the company.

In 2011, it established Agricultural Products Company Limited (APCL) in Hong Kong to introduce good quality Thai rice to Hong Kong.

Kaset Farm is our brand, representing high quality Thai Hom Mali Rice (Jasmine rice) professionally selected and produced by Kaset Farm and imported by APCL from Thailand.
Kaset Farm, your healthy choice
APCL is a registered rice stockholder with Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department. Rice is quality checked and produced in Thailand before exporting to Hong Kong. Once imported, rice is stored in the approved rice warehouses.

Products provided by APCL are not genetically modified (Non Genetically Modified). To enhance health creation value, milling has been carefully done and kept to a minimal to help retain the vitamin and fibre content of the rice. Kaset Farm rice is an ideal choice for you and your family.
健康農莊 泰國高質量薏米(泰國最高級薏米)
  • 是常用的中药,又是普遍、常吃的穀物
  • 主要含蛋白質,脂肪,氨基酸成分
  • 味甘、淡,微寒
  • 功能包括 治濕痹,利腸胃、消水腫、健脾益胃
  • 薏米又可以預防感冒,用薏米煲水當茶飲,有預防感冒效果
  • 薏米含有豐富的蛋白質分解酵素,能使皮膚角質軟化,使皮膚光滑,减少幫助減少皺纹,消除色素斑點
  • 高質量薏米粒粒要飽滿
  • 因為生薏米性寒,所以就炒一炒去寒,變成熟薏米。熟薏米質感有點似爆谷。生薏米的食療功效比較高 ,熟薏米係經過爆炒,使寒性減輕,但功效較差。廣東人涼茶湯水大多兩樣一齊用
  • 禁忌:孕婦或產後哺餵嬰兒期間不宜食用; 手術前兩星期不宜食用

Kaset Farm High Quality Thai Coix Seed
  • Coix is a plant whose botanical name is Coix lacryma-jobi. It belongs to the Gramineae (or Poaceae) family. The seeds, with the husks removed, are important in traditional Chinese medicine. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is called yi yi ren. In English it is also known as Job's tears seeds. Coix seeds are used as both a healing herb and a cereal grain.
  • Good quality Coix Seeds are large and full.
  • Slightly cold in nature, no taste.
  • High protein-to-carbohydrate ratio. Rich in good fats.
  • Can be eaten just like cooked oats or rice and puffed into a cereal; can be made into a tea.
  • Good for skin, edema and promoting urination.
  • Anti-inflammatory and anti-viral, attributive to spleen, stomach, lungs, liver, and large intestine and helps with arthritis.
  • Coix seeds may be used in it raw or dry fried form. Dry-fried Cois (Chao Yi Yi Ren) is baked or dry fried at a moderate temperature until it is slightly yellow. This form is considered more warming and increases the herbs ability to strengthen the spleen. It is common to use both raw and dry-fried forms together.
  • Do not use Coix Seeds if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Check with your doctor before using extracts from the plant for any health condition.